Research Journal 3

November 2005

Pg Article Title Author
3 Marlowe’s First Book of Lucan Mike Frohnsdorff
The Society’s Chairman researches both the publishing history and the critical response to Marlowe’s translation and draws some conclusions about both its date of composition and its place in the Marlovian canon.
11 Thomas Thorpe’s Dedicatory Epistle to Marlowe’s First Book of Lucan Mike Frohnsdorff
The Society’s Chairman unravels the obscure and well-disguised meaning behind Thorpe’s dedication to fellower publisher Edward Blount, and what it tells us about Thomas Walsingham’s opinion of Marlowe in 1601.
22 Was Marlowe’s Inquest Void? Peter Farey
Peter Farey examines the legality of William Danby, Coroner of the Queen’s Household, holding an Inquest into Marlowe’s death, and questions it’s validity.
28 A Cabalistic & Numerological Subtext to Tamburlaine Peter Bull
Peter Bull examines the background to Marlowe’s use of Cabala and numerology, and analyses Tamburlaine the Great from a cabalistic perspective to reveal a significant philosophical subtext.
52 About The Marlowe Society Research Journal Roger Hards