Play Texts
Elizabethan Drama Texts
Summary: A wonderful labour of love by Peter Lukacs who is producing an extensive set of non-Shakespearean downloadable plays with a wealth of detailed annotations, including Marlowe’s plays (see below) plus a series of essays to aid appreciation of the language and verse.
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Direct Links to Individual Marlowe Plays
Perseus Digital Library
Summary: Tufts University site for the texts of Marlowe’s works. Original spelling, downloadable one scene at a time. Shakespeare texts too. Includes plays: Dido; Tamburlaine Pt I; Pt II; Jew; Dr. Faustus A-Text; B-Text; Faust Bk; Edward II. And poetry: Elegies; Pharsalia; Hero & Leander; Passionate Shepherd; Manwood Epitaph; Pembroke Dedication.
Website Link:
Texts at Peter Farey’s Site
Summary: Peter Farey’s Marlowe Site has modern spelling versions of all Marlowe’s works, which can be downloaded as single HTML files. Plays: Dido; Tamburlaine Pt I; Pt II; JoM; Dr. Faustus A- and B-Texts; Edward II; Massacre. Poetry: Elegies; Pharsalia; Hero & Leander; Passionate Shepherd; Manwood Epitaph; Pembroke Dedication.
Website Link:
Project Gutenberg
Summary: Site offering texts of Marlowe’s works in the form of e-books. Download e-books free, each full work as a single text file or zipped file. Huge range of other works – over 2m e-books. Following plays available: Dido; Tamburlaine Pt I; Pt II; Jew; Dr. Faustus A-Text; B-Text; Edward II; Massacre. And poetry: Hero & Leander; Hero & Leander (Chapman) + Passionate Shepherd.
Website Link:
Camb. History of English Lit
Summary: Bartleby’s online copy of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 volumes (1907-21), of which Volume V Chapter VII is devoted entirely to Marlowe and Kyd, and mostly to Marlowe. Chapter VI deals with University Wits (Lyly, Peele, Greene, Lodge, & Nash), and Shakespeare is covered in Chapter VIII onwards.
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