Research Journal 2

September 2005

Pg Article Title Author
3 Marlowe and the Marigold Mike Frohnsdorff
The Society Chairman examines the symbolism of the Marigold, and considers possible meanings for woodcut on the title-page of the second edition of Hero and Leander (1598).
9 The Earl of Nottingham’s Men and the ‘A’ Text of Doctor Faustus Robert A. Albano
The Associate Professor of English Literature at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, considers evidence on the play’s printed title-pages as offering some clues in the long debate on whether the ‘A’ or ‘B’ texts more accurately represent Marlowe’s original.
17 ‘An Ironized Tearme’: William Warner’s Albion’s England Lisa Hopkins
The Professor of English at Sheffield Hallam University examines the life of the neglected author, and some possible allusions to Marlowe in his work.
27 Marlowe’s Sudden & Fearful End: Self-Defence, Murder or Fake? Peter Farey
Peter Farey sifts the available evidence surrounding Marlowe’s alleged Deptford demise with a fine tooth-comb to determine which is the most probable explanation of the events on 30 May 1593.
61 About The Marlowe Society Research Journal Roger Hards