Newsletter 41

Autumn 2013

Pg Article Title Author Sample
3 Editorial Michael McEvoy
4 Plan for ALS 2014 Weekend in Canterbury Frieda Barker
5 Isabel Gortázar – A Happy Memory Eileen Vasey
6 An Unexpected Encounter with Dr Faustus Valerie Colin-Russ
7 Paranoia in the Age of Marlowe Giles Ramsay
10 John Matthew alias Christopher Marlowe Peter Farey
14 Calder Bookshop Theatre Director Sergio Amigo in Conversation (Part 2) Michael McEvoy & Radha Spratt
22 What’s in a Name? Ildiko Solti
24 To Drown or Not to Drown Amy Licence
26 Making a Mockery of the Queen Mab Speech Michael McEvoy
32 Theatre Review: Edward II at The National Theatre Ian Clarke
34 Edward II: Director Joe Hill-Gibbins talks to Dan Rebellato Michael McEvoy
37 Theatre Review: Summer at Shakespeare’s Globe Barbara Wooding
40 Theatre Review: Harry the Sixth at The Globe Yorick
42 Theatre Review: Much Ado About Nothing at The Old Vic Valerie Colin-Russ
42 Much Ado About Nothing: Mark Rylance talks to Rebecca Jones Michael McEvoy
44 Theatre Review: Shylock by Gareth Armstrong at the St James’s Theatre Michael McEvoy
49 Books Review: Shakespeare Beyond Doubt(?) Valerie Colin-Russ
49 Book Review: Shakespeare’s Local by Pete Brown Michael McEvoy
53 The Henslowe-Alleyn Archive
54 Crossword #33 The Duke of Guise
56 Solution to Crossword #32 The Duke of Guise