*Who Wrote Shakespeare?
- Author:
- Published: Thames & Hudson Ltd. 1996, 1999.
- Details: Hard cover (96). Paperback (99). 272pp.
- ISBN: 0500281130
- Summary: An excellent and impartial look at the Shakespearean Authorship Question, arguments for and against the Stratford man, and a detailed survey of the main (and minor) claimants, including Marlowe.
- Reviews: Richmond Review; Shakespeare Oxford Society Newsletter; Francis Carr (Baconiana).
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
*Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
- Author: James Shapiro
- Published: Faber & Faber, March 2010.
- Details: Hardback. 384pp.
- ISBN-10: 057123576X; 978-0571235766.
- Summary: The best-selling author of 1599 investigates the history of the Authorship question, looking at how and when the various issues were raised. Considers the cases of Bacon and Oxford in detail.
- Reviews: Guardian (Hilary Mantel); Independent; Times; Telegraph; FT.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
*Shakespeare’s Unorthodox Biography
- Author: Diana Price
- Published: Greenwood Press, 2000.
- Details: Hardback. 376pp.
- ISBN: 0313312028
- Summary: Undertake a comparative analysis with other literary biographies, and considers potential conflicts between biographical, personality, literary, dramatic, and cultural evidence. Not driven by allegiance to any candidate, this is a good introduction as to why doubts persist about the Stratford man as author.
- Reviews: Book’s website; Interview; Tom Veal; Greenwood.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Wordery.
*The Marlowe Papers
- Author: Ros Barber
- Published: Sceptre, May 2012
- Details: Hard cover. 464pp.
- ISBN-10: 1444737384; ISBN-13: 978-1444737387
- Summary: Innovative Hoffman Prize winning novel written in blank verse. Marlowe ruefully recounts the details of his staged ‘death’ and lonely exile abroad that has left him pining for his true love, whilst continuing to write plays and poetry under a pseudonym.
- Reviews: Telegraph; Independent; Guardian (Andrew Motion); BBC R4; FT; Express; GoodReads.
- Buy Online: Hardback: BetterWorldBooks. Paperback: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
Marlowe’s Ghost: The Blacklisting of the Man Who Was Shakespeare
- Author:
- Published: iUniverse.com publishing. June 2008.
- Details: Hard cover & paperback. 288pp.
- ISBN: 0595711413 [HB]; 0595475140 [PB]
- Website: www.marlowesghost.com
- Summary: Examines the events in Deptford and the fact that plays, “so undeniably similar to Marlowe’s” and yet attributed to Shakespeare, began to appear on the London stage shortly afterwards. Explores “the possibility that persecution of a writer who dared to question authority may have led to the greatest literary cover-up of all time”.
- Buy Online: Hard cover: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery. Paperback: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
The Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection
- Author: Samuel L. Blumenfeld
- Published: McFarland & Company Inc. June 2008.
- Details: Paperback. 368pp.
- ISBN: 0786439025
- Video: Watch Blumenfeld speak about his book.
- Discussion: See the book’s Blogspot.
- Summary: Offers “a daring solution” to the Authorship question; that Marlowe faked his own death at Deptford with help from the government, and continued writing under the pseudonym of Shakespeare. Includes two interesting illustrations of Marlowe and Shakespeare. [Table of Contents]
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
The Marlowe-Shakespeare Continuum: Christopher Marlowe and the Authorship of Early Shakespeare & Anonymous Plays.
- Author: Donna Murphy
- Published: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015
- Details: Paperback. 224pp.
- ISBN-10: 1443877700; ISBN-13: 978-1443877701
- Summary: Provides linguistic evidence for the theory that Marlowe pretended to die to avoid execution as a heretic, then used Stratfordian actor Shakspere as a front man to submit his work.
- Buy Online: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Marlowe Up Close: An Unconventional Biography with A Scrapbook of His Ciphers
- Author: Roberta Ballantine
- Published: Xlibris Corporation Dec 2007.
- Details: Hard cover: 1425743811.
Paperback: 1425743803. 688pp. - Reviews: Up Close Site; Xlibris.
- Summary: Very detailed biography posits some new information about Marlowe “masterfully fused from increments of factual evidence” which are “corroborated by surprising steganographic messages” found by Society member Ballantine in Marlowe’s work. [Read Excerpt]
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
Shake-speare’s Voyage to America
- Author:
- Published: Capella Archive, November 2005.
- Details: Hard cover & Paperback. 150pp.
- ISBN: 1902918231 [HB]; 1902918320 [PB]
- Summary: Society member purports that Marlowe survived 1593 and 16 years later was aboard the flag-ship Sea Venture sunk off Bermuda, an experience used in The Tempest. Gamble also applies new evidence to decrypt the Sonnets’ Dedication. See also a Publisher’s Synopsis, plus Contents List and 2 chapter excerpt.
- Buy Online: Capella Archive.
- * Recommended as indispensible reading.