*The Death of Christopher Marlowe
- Author:
- Published: The Nonesuch Press / Harvard UP 1925; Kessinger Reproduction 2003
- Details: Hard cover. 76pp. [Contents List]
- ISBN: 0766129284 (Kessinger Reproduction)
- Summary: Reveals remarkable discovery of the Coroner’s Inquisition report on Marlowe’s death. First issue included a fold-out reproduction of the Inquisition Report.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
The Murder of the Man Who Was Shakespeare
- Author:
- Published: Max Parrish, London, 1955.
- Details: Hard cover. 256pp. [Hoffman’s Introduction]
- Summary: Hoffman was the first to posit both that Marlowe faked his own death at Deptford, and also that he then went on to write the works attributed to Shakespeare whilst exiled in Italy.
- Reviews: Time Magazine; Wikipedia Summary.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
*The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe
- Author:
- Published: Jonathan Cape 1992; Vintage 2002.
- Details: Paperback. 432pp.
- ISBN: 0099437473
- Summary: A detailed and well researched biography, culminating in Nicholl’s own theory on Marlowe’s death.
- Reviews: National Review.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
Christopher Marlowe and Richard Baines:
Journeys Through the Elizabethan Underworld
- Author: Roy Kendall
- Published: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press US, (distr. Associated University Press) 2004.
- Details: Hard cover. 456pp.
- ISBN: 0838639747
- Reviews: Fairleigh Dickinson University.
- Summary: Examines the activities and literary output of Marlowe in the years before Deptford, and his association with Baines. Includes a biography of Baines.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
The Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection
- Author: Samuel L. Blumenfeld
- Published: McFarland & Company Inc. June 2008.
- Details: Paperback. 368pp.
- ISBN: 0786439025
- Video: Watch Blumenfeld speak about his book.
- Discussion: See the book’s Blogspot.
- Summary: Offers “a daring solution” to the Authorship question; that Marlowe faked his own death at Deptford with help from the government, and continued writing under the pseudonym of Shakespeare. Includes two interesting illustrations of Marlowe and Shakespeare. [Table of Contents]
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
Marlowe’s Ghost: The Blacklisting of the Man Who Was Shakespeare
- Author:
- Published: iUniverse.com publishing. June 2008.
- Details: Hard cover & paperback. 288pp.
- ISBN: 0595711413 [HB]; 0595475140 [PB]
- Website: www.marlowesghost.com
- Summary: Examines the events in Deptford and the fact that plays, “so undeniably similar to Marlowe’s” and yet attributed to Shakespeare, began to appear on the London stage shortly afterwards. Explores “the possibility that persecution of a writer who dared to question authority may have led to the greatest literary cover-up of all time”.
- Buy Online: Hard cover: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery. Paperback: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
*The Story That The Sonnets Tell
- Author:
- Published: Adam Hart 1995
- Details: Hard cover. 585pp.
- ISBN: 1897763018
- Summary: Puts forward the theory that Marlowe‘s death at Deptford was faked, and his subsequent exile is the real story that the Sonnets tell.
- Reviews: Marlowe Society
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
*The Marlowe Papers
- Author: Ros Barber
- Published: Sceptre, May 2012
- Details: Hard cover. 464pp.
- ISBN-10: 1444737384; ISBN-13: 978-1444737387
- Summary: Innovative Hoffman Prize winning novel written in blank verse. Marlowe ruefully recounts the details of his staged ‘death’ and lonely exile abroad that has left him pining for his true love, whilst continuing to write plays and poetry under a pseudonym.
- Reviews: Telegraph; Independent; Guardian (Andrew Motion); BBC R4; FT; Express; GoodReads.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
The Assassination of Christopher Marlowe
- Author: S.A.Tannenbaum
- Published: New York (Privately, 1928); English Studies 11; 152-3 Amsterdam 1929.
- Summary: Puts forward the political conspiracy theory that Marlowe was assassinated by the government spy service.
- Buy Online: BetterWorldBooks; Hive; Wordery.
- * Recommended as indispensible reading.