Newsletter 37

Autumn 2011

Pg Article Title Author Sample
3 Editorial Roger Hards
3 Marlowe Memorial Service – 29 October 2011 Roger Hards
4 Report on Marlowe Day – 04 June 2011 Jennifer Margrave
5 News in Brief Roger Hards
6 The Marlowe Memorial in Canterbury Valerie Colin-Russ
7 The Downfall of Faustus (play excerpts)
8 She-Wolves of France Barbara Wooding
20 Play Review: The Red Rose or The White? I Henry VI at The Rose Barbara Wooding
24 Careless and Disdainful Yvonne Adams
26 Book Review: The Man Who Was Never ShakespeareA.J. Pointon Roger Hards
27 Lecture Review: Every Merry Word a Witchcraft (17 September 2011) Barbara Wooding
29 Play Review: Doctor Faustus at The Rose Jennifer Margrave
30 Play Review: Doctor Faustus at The Globe Jennifer Margrave
32 Play Reviews: Doctor Faustus at The Rose and The Globe Barbara Wooding
36 Crossword #29 The Duke of Guise
37 Solution to Crossword #28 The Duke of Guise